As a disclaimer, this is an extremely broad, general synthesis of pending planetary activity, and the ultimate impact on each individual is unique and depends on the precise measure of one’s own natal astrological signature.
The beginning of June is a pre-summer soiree of sorts. A sparkling new moon in Gemini, occurring on June 6th, will prompt the initiation of a new cycle to be developed over the next six months ahead — paired in intimate proximity to Venus, queen of the heavens.

Mercury (salesman of the stars and planet of intellectual exchange) alongside Jupiter (father of wisdom and planet of luck, abundance, benevolence) will establish beneficial rapport with Pluto (lord of the underworld and planet of power, determination) in Aquarius (sign of networking, groups, organizations). The opportunities for growth, expansion, and upgrades of consciousness are boundless. The heavy concentration of planets in Gemini, however, may be at odds with Saturn (lord of discipline and planet of structure, form and limitation) in Pisces (sign of dreams, fantasy and illusion). Our intellect may be at odds with our intuitive capacities.

This summer also presents not one, but two full moons in Capricorn, the sign of business, responsibility, and career-oriented strategic ambition. The first of these new moons occurs on June 21st; the second on July 21st.

Mercury, maestro of synchronicity, will begin his infamous retrograde motion from August 5th until August 27th. Before that often-dreaded transit unfolds, Mars (father of passion and planet of desire, action, and strategy) in Gemini (sign of communication) will square Venus (planet of love) in Virgo (sign of details, analysis, critique) exactly on Thursday, August 23rd, suggesting a world in which both energies can be harmoniously expressed — the conscious integration of the masculine and feminine principles will be a central theme across the globe.

While this summer bears the likelihood of many favorable, exciting energetics, the stars will affect each one of us in distinct, varying measures. We each bear our own unique celestial configuration: no two paths are the same.
On June 9th, your ruling planet Mars, celestial combatant forever in pursuit of satiating desires, shifts gears from your fast-paced sign to calm, collected Taurus, likely prompting you to re-evaluate your typical need for speed, providing slower moments to luxuriate and tune into sensual intelligence.
The full moon in Capricorn on July 21st may find itself at odds with Chiron (wounded healer) in your sign, suggesting the likely emergence of outstanding emotional grievances.
On August 4th, a new moon in Leo favorably angles the north node of destiny in your sign, boasting a matchbox of desirable opportunities — but with Mercury soon in retrograde, moments of contemplation are likely necessary before any matches are to be struck.
On September 3rd, Venus, also in your opposite sign of Libra, conjuncts the south node. This may prompt a reevaluation of values, ideals, and patterns of relating in your current partnership — the lesson here is implementing balance between your desires as an individual and equilibrium in your relationship.
On September 17th, Mercury will conjunct the south node in your opposite sign, again prompting major themes of independence and codependence within the context of relationships and possibly presenting important choices to be explored.
On June 9th, Mars enters your sign, shifting his typical mode of attack from initiating action to acting to attract, trading in his traditional warrior weaponry and setting a tone of earthy sensuality across the skies. That simmering of passions will progress as the summer develops.
A new moon in Cancer on Friday, July 5th finds the Sun, Moon & Venus in caring Cancer, angled auspiciously to Mars, still transiting your sign, suggesting that the blending of emotional intelligence, sensitivity, and compassion can assist in the flourishing of your material ambitions.
On July 15th, Mars will conjunct Uranus, likely triggering the impetus for the pursuit of new, and perhaps unconventional, desires, as well as the emergence of some major, if not shocking, surprises.
The path of Mercury’s retrograde motion — set to begin in early August — begins in fellow earth sign Virgo, initially pulling focus as far as the pursuit of your creativity is concerned, but will also shift into Leo as the month progresses, prompting a major reanalysis of the quality of your domestic atmosphere. This retrograde offers potential for the review of the quality of your emotional vocabulary and your capacity to channel your emotions constructively.
As the butterfly of the stars & forever the flirt, Jupiter’s journey through your sign in the year ahead will likely boast a dazzling array of fresh social contacts & opportunities to establish new connections in both the personal and professional context.
On Saturday, July 20th, Mars enters your sign and on the following evening, he will form a trine to Pluto in Aquarius, suggesting that progress in intellectual developments can be made.
Sunday, August 4th, a new moon in Leo, angled favorably to both Mars & Jupiter (the fathers of passion and wisdom) in your sign will initiate a new cycle for exploring creativity within the realm of your communication. On the following day, however, your ruling planet, Mercury, goes retrograde in Virgo — celestially speaking, this may offer a window of time more appropriate for reflection upon the quality of your productivity, versus the assertion of new desires.
On Wednesday, August 14th, Mars unites with Jupiter in your sign, likely inspiring new levels of courage, determination and drive to pursue ambitions — there are likely many options for consideration on the table (although quantity does not determine quality, lest we spread ourselves too thin).
On the following day, this formidable pair will face tense discourse from the transiting moon in Sagittarius, Venus in Virgo & Saturn in Pisces: likely prompting reflection of value systems and commitments as they relate to the material world.
A new moon on July 5th in your sign invites you to assess the quality of your emotional aptitude and to acknowledge where outstanding emotional grievances may cast burdensome weight. That weight must be alleviated for you to continue on your path with an open heart.
On Monday, June 17th, Venus, goddess of love & beauty, enters your sign, prompting within many the inclination to nurture and offer emotional support.
As Venus represents values, and as Cancer rules all things domestic, her currency is receptivity and home is where her heart is.
In this family-oriented sign of Cancer, often characterized as the maternal influence, the goddess of love often conveys affection by providing comfort, protection and security and forming stable, enduring attachments in relationships, often laden with rich nuances of nostalgia and old-world charm.
A most eventful full moon in Capricorn on July 21st will receive a favorable angle from Neptune in Pisces, likely triggering an exploration into the power of imagination, the vocabulary of your emotional intelligence, and the embodiment of new levels of compassion, empathy, and selflessness.
On September 4th, Mars, father of passion, enters your sign. Mars, the god of war, isn’t typically comfortable in the sign of caring Cancer, where artillery and weaponry are traded for sewing needles and kitchen utensils. Mars in Cancer brings energizing and intensifying emotions — igniting intuition, psychic propensities, primitive instincts — as Mars is the initiator, and Cancer connects us with the past: our roots, our psychological foundations, and our ancestors.
On July 11th, Venus, Miss Universe herself, enters your sign. In Leo, Venus' expression of love is rich, vivid, colorful, constant. Venus in Leo conveys affection through characterization of emotion: creativity, performance, theatricality.
In Leo, Venus is camera ready — outward demonstrations of desire are of paramount significance, and she is poised to perform, proud to portray. Affection is action.
A full moon in Capricorn on July 21st features both Venus and Mercury, planets of love and logic, in your sign, emphasizing creativity in personal and professional outlets. This could prompt some major surprises — whether positive or unwelcome, we can expect the unexpected. For those who find themselves conducting challenging dialogue this weekend (Mercury), or operating machinery (Mars), a full moon is known to heighten emotion, so remain cautious and adaptable in the face of uncertainty. Actually, avoid arguments at all costs, as egos and tempers are bound to flare up as this celestial signature unfolds.
A bold, luminous new moon in your sign on August 4th is angled beautifully to Mars (action/strategy) and Jupiter (expansion/growth) in Gemini, suggesting opportunities for the development of creative expression. Venus, still in your sign, squares Uranus and suggests major unexpected developments are likely ahead as far as relationships are concerned.
A full moon in your opposite sign, Aquarius, occurs on August 19th, and with Mercury still very much retrograde in your sign, communication can make or break many a union. Remember, some things are better left unsaid.
This summer, with Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, you may be presented with potentialities to evolve: not only via exploration of intellectual interests, but also by redefining the limits of your imagination.
On Sunday, August 4th, Venus, celestial matriarch of reciprocity & mutuality, trades in her trademark throne for a cosmic tool-belt and enters your service-oriented sign, ready to get her hands dirty.
On Wednesday, August 7th, Venus partners up with Mercury, your ruling planet (retrograde at this point), both in tow of the transiting moon, also in Virgo. The key words are ‘discernment’ and ‘improvement’ — likely prompting a practical critique of your capacity to conduct harmonious relationships, care for assets, and channel your aesthetic inclinations with humility and simplicity. In the sign of modest Virgo, less is more than enough.
A new moon in your sign on September 2nd, in opposition to Saturn, is especially grounding, imploring you to listen carefully, cautiously, and objectively to the wisdom of your feelings.
The following day, Mars in Gemini will square Neptune in Pisces. The margin for misunderstanding, self-deception, and delusion is heavily pronounced.
A full moon in your opposite sign on September 17th portends interaction between the luminaries (Sun & Moon) and Neptune (planet of fantasy) — this could prove to be either dreamy or disastrous. Read the fine print.
Throughout the entirety of this summer, the south node, which represents destiny and previous incarnations, continues in your sign — suggesting that relationships of both personal and professional natures may be a source of limitation for you at the moment. More to the point, erring on the side of fairness, within reason, may present something of a challenge as this season continues to progress; remember, you can still think of others while considering what is best for yourself. While maintaining the integrity of your cherished connections, make sure to honor the most important partner in your periphery — YOU.
As June unfolds, you may find yourself conducting favorable dialogue as quite a few planets travel through Gemini.
On Thursday, August 29th, Virgo (sign of routine, improvement, service) becomes propelled by the principles of harmony, mutuality and social symmetry. This is a time for you to shine, as you are often associated with “partnership consciousness.”
On the evening of Wednesday, September 4th, Moon, Venus, black moon lilith and the south node all hold supernaturally charged court in your sign at roughly seven degrees. This could prove to be incredibly dynamic for anyone with strong cardinal energy in their chart, and is likely to prompt a vast range of “past-life-potential” for those inclined to believe in previous incarnations.
On September 3rd, Venus, your ruler, also in your sign, conjuncts the south node, suggesting a theme of value systems may present itself in your current partnership.
On September 15th, Venus flirts with Jupiter in Gemini — a beautiful angle likely to influence many lucky souls. Turn on the charm.
On September 17th, Mercury will conjunct the south node in your sign, emphasizing an intellectual reset, especially as far as independence and codependence within the context of relationships is concerned.
On June 9th, Mars, your ruler, exits Aries and enters your opposite sign of Taurus, shifting your focus from pursuing immediate gratification to long-term, strategic planning.
On July 15th, Mars forms a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus, likely prompting a desire for deviation of norms and the pursuit of new, unexplored, unconventional passions. This need not be limited to the physical or tangible, and can extend to the value systems you have developed over years of programming. The internal dialogue and scripts you have written for yourself have perhaps become outdated.
At the beginning of August, Mercury’s retrograde motion starts in Virgo, shifting into Leo as the month unfolds, prompting a major reevaluation of the creativity you apply to your professional endeavors.
As the month unfolds with five heavenly bodies in Gemini, many a Sagittarius will be presented with keys to new doors — for those “on the fence” or revisiting previously established commitments, there are likely to be quite a few options on the horizon, personally and professionally.
A delicious new moon in Leo on August 4th, angled opposite Mars (action and strategy) and Jupiter (expansion and growth) in Gemini, the traditional sign representing your partnerships, invites you to explore this new realm of new possibilities. However Mercury, soon to be retrograde, reminds you to pause and evaluate before any action is taken.
Meanwhile, as the summer makes manifest, a new moon in Virgo, taking place on September 2nd, opens new avenues of comprehension. It may ask you to assess the quality of the architecture of your mind: where, what and how can you improve and actualize your ideals?
On September 17th, the full moon in Pisces may ask you to identify where you must establish boundaries. It calls you to dismantle false, ego-based constructs for the sake of purity and healing.
As this moon is in proximity to nebulous Neptune, nothing is as it seems. This moon is slippery, at best; at worst, it is very likely sloppy and scattered, if not downright up-to-no-good — the conscious mind (Sun and Mercury) must work diligently (in Virgo) to see clearly beyond smokescreens or any maliciously-crafted veils of deception.
The second full moon in your sign occurs on July 21st, featuring several planets in Leo, meaning it has come time to manifest your business goals on a material level. This full moon is angled quite closely to Pluto, planet of healing, purification, transformation, rebirth, and power.
The stern moon in Capricorn is in such extreme proximity to Pluto, which suggests tremendous capabilities for purging, cleansing, and renewing your emotional foundations.
When Pluto is operating from higher frequencies, all ego-based constructs and petty pretenses are stripped of us and forever discarded. Emotional objectivity can lead to unparalleled enrichment for you.
On September 1st, Pluto re-enters your sign, testifying to the fact that you may have unfinished business to acknowledge. This can range anywhere from contractual obligations to your own individual self-worth. Be mindful of this as this month unfolds.
As the summer evolves, Jupiter’s journey begins with a favorable exchange with Pluto (lord of the underworld), likely intensifying your desire to develop new bonds.
On July 11th, Venus, goddess of love & beauty, enters your opposite sign, Leo. A new moon in your opposite sign of Leo occurs on August 4th. These astrological configurations cast new seeds of opportunity where your individual creative expression is concerned. Your sense of pride, your loyalties, talents, and artistic abilities are all key. Meanwhile, Venus continues in Leo, asking you to operate mindfully as far as your relationships are concerned. Measuring the volume of your voice in order to prevent dramatic displays is integral.
A full moon in your sign on August 19th features Venus, the planet of love opposite Saturn, suggesting that themes of equality and values in relationships will be heavily pronounced. While we may be eager to address deficits, with Mercury still retrograde, now may not be the time for grand, sweeping statements about anything.
As the summer unfolds, Saturn, planet of discipline, continues cautiously coasting through your sign. Saturn is restrictive. As the season endures, your penchant to indulge your imagination may be met with resistance from reality, as the planet of practicality drops anchor. There may be a sense of delay, or blockage, when it comes to relationship goals. Let this not be a deterrent, but rather a source of inspiration to discover new strengths.
On Sunday, August 4th, Venus, planet of love & beauty, enters your opposite sign Virgo, initiating a new cycle, demanding a necessary reassessment of the work you are (or are not) willing to do as far as improvements of your partnerships are concerned.
A new moon in your opposite sign of Virgo on September 2nd reminds you of the power of your adaptability in perception. Yielding and rather sponge-like, Pisces are usually very receptive to surrounding emotional energetics; any patterns of thought or influences based on pretense must be acknowledged and eliminated.
A full moon in your sign on the evening of September 17th is in intimate proximity to Neptune (idealism, imagination). This will encourage the exploration of your emotional vocabulary, the origin and quality of your sentiments. The result may be constructive and objective reflection on your part.
What requires healing? What requires letting go? What requires surrender?